Showing: 31 - 32 of 32 RESULTS

Libraries Take Center Stage at NISO Plus

Ensuring that we include a librarian perspective in as many sessions as possible is key to NISO Plus’s success as a conference for the information community. This year, you can look forward to hearing from librarians across a broad range of organizations (academic, industry, and public libraries, as well as library service providers) and countries (from Australia to Canada to Sweden), on a wide variety of topics. Librarians and librarianship will be featured across the NISO Plus program: Collaborating to implement Seamless Access (Julie Zhu, IEEE; Heather Staines, Delta Think; and John Felts, Coastal Carolina University with Peter Murray, Index Data) …


NISO Plus 2023 Highlights Asia Pacific Perspectives on the Information Community

Thanks to the APAC representatives on our global planning committee, we have a great program lined up for anyone based in the Asia Pacific region or interested in getting an Asia Pacific perspective on information community issues. As in previous years, NISO Plus 2023 is divided into two blocks of time, one of which takes place during Asia Pacific office hours, making it easy for attendees there to participate. The APAC time block will feature discussions on a range of topics: Jesse Xiao (The University of Hong Kong) in conversation with Christopher Chan (Hong Kong Baptist University) on the value proposition …