AnnouncementsWe Love Our Sponsors!

We Love Our Sponsors!

What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by saying a big thank you to all our sponsors — your support has made #NISOPlus20 possible!  We’ve received contributions from 28 organizations — small and large, nonprofit and commercial, national and international — and we appreciate each and every one. Thanks to the generous support of the Alfred P Sloan Foundation — with a little help from our Byte-level sponsors (Atypon, Crossref, Elsevier, IEEE, KnowledgeSpeak, Library Market, OCLC, Project MUSE, and SPIE) — we are delighted to have awarded NISO Plus scholarships to 12 information professionals (eight US-based and four international)*. …

AnnouncementsGot Information-Related News or Ideas to Share? Sign Up for a Lightning Talk at #NISOPlus20!

Got Information-Related News or Ideas to Share? Sign Up for a Lightning Talk at #NISOPlus20!

Are you attending #NISOPlus20? Do you have updates you’d like to share with the information community? A new product or service? A NISO standard that you’ve implemented? A pilot project you’ve been working on? If so, we want to hear from you! In the spirit of making NISO Plus a place where people from right across the information community can come together to share ideas, discuss challenges and opportunities, help solve existing issues, and identify and address future problems, we are inviting suggestions for lightning talks from attendees.  You’ll get a (strictly timed!) five-minute slot and there will then be …

AnnouncementsAnnouncing the NISO Plus Conference Scholarships!

Announcing the NISO Plus Conference Scholarships!

UPDATE (January 14). We’re delighted to announce that, thanks to the generous support of the Sloan Foundation, we now have additional funding for the NISO Plus scholarship program! Do you feel that your voice is under-represented in the information community, whether because of your age, ethnicity, gender, or other factor? Would you like the opportunity to share your perspective and experience? Thanks to the generous support of our Byte level sponsors, the NISO Plus conference (February 23-25, 2020, Baltimore, MD) is welcoming applications for travel scholarships to enable people whose voices are often excluded — and who wouldn’t otherwise be …

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Announcing the NISO Plus Program!

Drumroll please… We are delighted to announce the lineup for NISO Plus — and we hope you’ll agree that it’s unmissable! Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our community, and the generous support of our sponsors, #NISOPlus20 will feature:  More than 50 experts from across the information industry, speaking on a wide range of topics, from AI and altmetrics to seamless access and statistics — and so much more! Keynotes by two renowned leaders in our community — Amy Brand (Director, The MIT Press) and danah boyd (Partner Researcher, Microsoft Research and Founder/President, Data & Society)  An in-depth video conversation …


Librarians and Publishers and Vendors – Oh My! 

In case you haven’t heard, NISO Plus (Baltimore, MD, February 23-25, 2020) is a new — and different! — conference for the information community. Our goal is to bring together all the different stakeholder groups to focus on our shared challenges and opportunities through a combination of presentations and in-depth discussions, culminating in some concrete next steps for NISO and our community. So you won’t just be hearing from industry thought leaders and experts, you’ll also have the chance to engage directly with them — and with other peers and colleagues, customers and patrons — about the issues we all …

AnnouncementsNISO Plus: Why, What, Who?

NISO Plus: Why, What, Who?

Have you ever wished there was more audience participation and discussion at the conferences you attend? That you could take a really deep dive into the topics that interest you? That you could engage more with people working on these topics from outside your own “bubble”?  And that those conversations then get translated into actual next steps? Well, now you can! The first ever NISO Plus conference (Baltimore, MD, February 23-25, 2020) is intended to meet all these wishes – and more!  Building on the success of the former NFAIS annual conference, the idea is to make the meeting as …

AnnouncementsNISO Plus

A Meeting For Industry Product Managers and More

In planning the new NISO Plus Conference, we are pondering those professional roles and skill sets common to the information community as a whole but that may be underserved or underappreciated. One such role in the information industry is that of the product manager. The role is ubiquitous in a technological setting. It is not a new role in corporate conference rooms, having been around since Proctor & Gamble reorganized their management structure around brands in the 1930s. However, in the context of digital information producers, the role and concerns of the product manager isn’t one that’s often spotlighted in …

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New NISO Plus Conference Planned for 2020

September 20, 2019 — Baltimore, MD.  The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the launch of its new NISO Plus Conference.  The conference is scheduled for February 23 – 25, 2020 at the Lord Baltimore Hotel in Baltimore, MD.  The intent behind the new NISO Plus Conference is to integrate the thought-leadership tradition of the well-established NFAIS conference with the hands-on practicality of NISO. Recognizing the value of the NFAIS Conference over 60-plus years, the NISO Plus conference will build on that value in new ways, celebrating the vibrant nature of today’s information community. NISO and NFAIS formally merged in …