We are thrilled to announce that the NISO Plus conference is returning to Baltimore, Maryland from February 10-12, 2025 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.
Organized by a committee representing libraries, publishers, vendors, and more from around the world, the meeting format will emphasize conversation over presentation and offer opportunities throughout for participants to network, collaborate, and explore solutions to challenges currently facing scholarly communications.
We are planning two full days of sessions on February 11-12, including amazing keynotes from recognized information experts, plenty of opportunities for networking and problem solving, sessions that focus on the needs of the community, and the first ever live generative AI competition. We will also continue our tradition of the Miles Conrad Award and Lecture, as well as our other awards programs: the NISO Plus Scholarship program, the Ann Marie Cunningham Service Award, and the NISO Fellows awards.
On February 10 we will be convening two pre-conference programs. Join us in the morning for an exploration of the state of Artificial Intelligence in the world of scholarship and research. In the first half of the session, we will have a moderated discussion with a group of technical experts from publishers, vendors, and others actively working on products that use AI in the marketplace now. We will explore the strengths of each approach to using AI and the possibilities and limitations moving forward, and give the audience a chance to participate in conversation to learn more about these emerging tools.
In the second half of the morning pre-conference, we will use the ARL/CNI Artificial Intelligence Scenarios (https://www.arl.org/resources/the-arl-cni-2035-scenarios-ai-influenced-futures-in-the-research-environment/) to examine the potential of these tools. Join us to advance the conversation around responsible use of AI in scholarly communications!
In the afternoon, we will be holding a second pre-conference that continues our long tradition of supporting efforts in humanities scholarship such as the Humanities Roundtable. This pre-conference event will focus down on issues and topics that are specific to the scholarly needs of the humanities, exploring the challenges and concerns outside of the world of STEM scholars.
In addition, this year NISO Plus adds a supplementary event the day prior to the main conference: JATS-Con! Alongside our NISO Plus Pre-conferences will be the first in-person JATS-Con in many years. The schedule for JATS-Con can be seen here – https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/jats-con/2025/schedule2025.html.
We will be releasing more details about the sessions, schedule, and speakers as they are confirmed over the next couple of weeks! Earlybird pricing is good through January 10, but register early and book your hotel to make sure that you secure your space!