We’re delighted to announce that registration is now open for the fourth annual NISO Plus conference (February 14-16, 2023), which will once again take place online, and across two blocks of time — Americas morning/Europe, Middle East & Africa afternoon and Americas evening/Asia Pacific morning — to allow maximum participation from all around the world. Our 2023 Planning Committee is evenly divided between each broad region, and they are already hard at work to help us make sure we have lots of great content across all time zones. NISO Plus 2022 attracted attendees from 27 countries; this year we’re hoping for even more!
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we’ve been able to keep registration rates affordable each year — and NISO Plus 2023 is no exception! We already have commitments from Access Innovations, Bowker, Cadmore Media (our conference platform provider), figshare (who host our repository), Modern Language Association, Project MUSE, Silverchair, and Stony Brook University, with promises of more to come from other organizations (see the sponsorship page for more information if your company is interested in sponsoring the conference). As a result, all early bird rates are well under $200: tickets for NISO members are just $99 each for groups of five or more and $139 for individuals; the same categories for non-members are $149 and $179 respectively; and, as in previous years, students, unemployed, retirees, and those from lower-income countries will pay just $30.
Work on the conference program started in earnest in September, helped by a very productive first NISO Plus Forum, which generated about 20 great ideas for sessions for a conference track focused entirely on metadata — new for NISO Plus 2023. The Planning Committee will help us select six to eight topics of particular interest, which will be supplemented by additional invited sessions and responses to our call for proposals (coming in mid-October!). The committee has already come up with a host of other topic and speaker suggestions, which will be honed down and finalized in the coming weeks.
We’ll be posting NISO Plus 2023 updates here each month between now and the conference, and you can also sign up to receive additional alerts (for example, when the call for proposals launches) here. In the meantime, we hope you’ll reserve your place now at what Dave Shumaker of Information Today describes as: “an informative and thought-provoking multinational survey of the roles that collaboration, conversation, and standardization play in our constantly changing worldwide information environment.“