AnnouncementsApplications Now Invited for NISO Plus 2022 Scholarships

Applications Now Invited for NISO Plus 2022 Scholarships

We are delighted to announce that, with the generous support of OCLC, we are inviting applications for our NISO Plus scholarship program, now in its third year. NISO Plus scholarships are intended for anyone working in the information ecosystem, who feels that their voice and views are currently under-represented, for example, people whose job function, organization type, or demographics are typically under-represented — or not represented at all — at industry events. This includes those working in libraries, publishers, service providers, and other information organizations anywhere in the world. The scholarship program is part of our strategic goal to improve …

FeedbackHow Was NISO Plus For You? Feedback from our Scholarship Winners

How Was NISO Plus For You? Feedback from our Scholarship Winners

Among the 250+ attendees at the inaugural NISO Plus meeting were 12 especially important people — our first NISO Plus scholarship winners. Hailing from Baltimore to Brazil, they were selected from close to 60 applicants, based on why they wanted to attend the conference and what they hoped to get out of it. So, did it live up to their expectations? Here’s what they told us… First, we asked how attending NISO Plus helped them professionally, and a number of themes emerged in their answers: Networking — both with their fellow scholarship winners and more widely. To quote Kimberly Arleth …

AnnouncementsAnnouncing the NISO Plus Conference Scholarships!

Announcing the NISO Plus Conference Scholarships!

UPDATE (January 14). We’re delighted to announce that, thanks to the generous support of the Sloan Foundation, we now have additional funding for the NISO Plus scholarship program! Do you feel that your voice is under-represented in the information community, whether because of your age, ethnicity, gender, or other factor? Would you like the opportunity to share your perspective and experience? Thanks to the generous support of our Byte level sponsors, the NISO Plus conference (February 23-25, 2020, Baltimore, MD) is welcoming applications for travel scholarships to enable people whose voices are often excluded — and who wouldn’t otherwise be …