Showing: 21 - 30 of 32 RESULTS

Thomas Padilla to Deliver Opening Keynote at NISO Plus 2024 in Baltimore

We are pleased to announce that Thomas Padilla, Deputy Director, Archiving and Data Services at the Internet Archive, will deliver the opening keynote address at the NISO Plus 2024 conference in Baltimore on Tuesday, February 13, at 9:30 am. Internationally recognized for his leadership in promoting responsible stewardship and computational use of memory organization collections as data, Thomas earned his MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He has held positions at Michigan State University; the University of California, Santa Barbara (where he served as the UC system’s first humanities data curator), and the University …


Join Us at NISO Plus for a Pre-conference Introduction to AI in Scholarly Communications

Need to get up to speed on AI and its use in the information community? On Monday, February 12 (1:00–5:00 pm ET), the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) will host a pre-conference, “Introduction to AI and Machine Learning in Scholarly Communications.” The in-person educational event will take place at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor in Baltimore, just one day prior to the fifth anniversary NISO Plus Baltimore conference. Since the launch of ChatGPT earlier this year, stories about AI have dominated the media. Everyone knows it’s important, but the current and potential impacts on individual roles and organizations are still …


Ed Pentz Is NISO’s 2024 Miles Conrad Award Winner

  We’re delighted to announce that Ed Pence of Crossref will be the recipient of the 2024 Miles Conrad Award, NISO’s lifetime achievement award for those working in the information community. Ed will receive his award at the awards luncheon taking place during the NISO Plus 2024 conference in Baltimore (12:00 pm ET on February 13), where he will also deliver the 2024 Miles Conrad Lecture.  Ed is the founding Executive Director of Crossref, the largest open scholarly infrastructure provider globally. As an active champion of openness in scholarly communication, he has driven or been involved in the founding and …


The Preliminary Program for NISO Plus 2024 in Baltimore Is Now Available

Here at NISO we’ve been hard at work planning for the NISO Plus 2024 conference in Baltimore, Maryland (February 13–14). Celebrating its fifth anniversary, the conference will continue to bring librarians, publishers, tech and service providers, government agencies, and more to address some of the biggest trends and issues in the information community. We are pleased to share that a preliminary agenda is now available, so take a look at what’s in store and register for the meeting now—the early bird deadline is January 8.                               …


The Call for Applications for the NISO Plus 2024 Scholarship Awards Is Now Open

We are delighted to announce that applications for the 2024 NISO Plus Scholarship Awards are now open! Join us in celebrating the fifth anniversary of the NISO Plus Conference by applying to be a member of the 2024 cohort, or by encouraging a friend or colleague to apply.                                                                                                         …


Registration Is Now Open for NISO Plus Baltimore (February 13–14)!

On the heels of our successful NISO Plus Forum event (October 3 in Washington, DC), we are pleased to announced that registration is now open for the fifth annual NISO Plus conference, taking place in person on February 13–14, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor in Baltimore. NISO Plus was first held in Baltimore, Maryland, in February 2020, just prior to the shift to virtual meetings that occurred throughout the community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the conference has been held virtually and has grown in popularity, drawing over 600 attendees from over 28 countries in …

AnnouncementsNISO Plus Forum

Seven Reasons to Attend the NISO Plus Forum in 2023

The 2023 NISO Plus Forum on AI and machine learning in scholarly publishing, happening in Washington, DC, on October 3, is just a few weeks away! We know that your time is valuable, so here are seven great reasons to join this year’s event:     For all these reasons and more, join us at the 2023 NISO Plus Forum! Space is limited, so register now. 


NISO Plus 2023 Post-Event Survey—The Results Are in!

At NISO, our work doesn’t end after the closing keynote! In these weeks following the 2023 NISO Plus conference, we’ve been busy collating and sharing all the ideas generated during the meeting with our Topic Committees, who will review them for opportunities for new projects. This is also the time when we reflect on our attendees’ experience of the meeting to see what went well—and what didn’t. To that end, we asked attendees to share their thoughts in our post-event survey, and as in prior years, we want to share their feedback with the wider community.  Attendee Statistics Attendance for …


Celebrating Our NISO Plus 2023 Award Winners

The NISO Plus Conference is only four years old, but its awards ceremony, held this year on February 15, is already a much-anticipated annual tradition. As in prior years, the ceremony is an opportunity to recognize individuals for their contributions to NISO as well as to the wider information community. It is also the time when we introduce the year’s NISO Scholarship Awardees. A highlight of the event is the Miles Conrad Award and Lecture. This award, established in 1965, was named for the founder of the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services (NFAIS), which merged with NISO in …

AnnouncementsPLUS graphic

Congratulations to Our NISO Plus 2023 Scholarship Winners!

Now in its fourth year, the NISO Plus 2023 conference is swiftly approaching, and as in prior years, a highlight of the event is the NISO Plus scholarship awards ceremony. Supporting NISO’s strategic goal to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, the scholarship awards are intended for anyone who feels that their voice and views are currently under-represented in the information community. Many thanks to Digital Science, who supported this year’s scholarships, and to our Review Committee,* which included several past and present scholarship winners. The Committee took on the challenging task of selecting awardees from a group of strong candidates. We are …