AnnouncementsJapan Open Science Summitt 2022 logo

NISO at the Japan Open Science Summit!

The Japan Open Science Summit (JOSS) is the country’s largest open science conference, attended by researchers, university librarians, IT and infrastructure professionals, policy-makers, and more. This year’s conference is taking place online from June 6-10. Thanks to the efforts of two members of the NISO Plus Advisory Committee — Yasushi Ogasaka and Mark Robertson — NISO is privileged to be presenting a panel session on Information Standards and the Global Research Infrastructure (June 7, 10  –11.30am Tokyo/June 6, 9-10.30pm EDT). Information standards — from accessibility to XML — are a critical element of the global research infrastructure that supports open …

AnnouncementsIf You Were A Standard, Which One Would You Be? (2022 Edition)

If You Were A Standard, Which One Would You Be? (2022 Edition)

As part of the NISO Plus scholarship application process, we ask applicants to tell us which standard they would be, and why. It’s an optional — and fun! — question, and reading their answers is always one of the high points of the review process. We are happy to share the responses from this year’s cohort with you, in alphabetical order. Elham Abdallah (Assistant University Librarian for Public Services and Research, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon): ​​I would be ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 (R2010) Scientific and Technical Reports – Preparation, Presentation, and Preservation Standard to enhance my reports and presentations skills …

HistoryIf You Were A Standard, Which One Would You Be?

If You Were A Standard, Which One Would You Be?

As part of the NISO Plus scholarship application process, we included this optional question: If you were an information standard, which one would you be and why?  (Hint, visit the standards page on the NISO website for inspiration!) To our delight, many of the applicants chose to respond, with a wonderful variety of answers. Amazingly, each of our scholarship winners chose a different standard to represent them — a nice reflection of the group’s diversity! We’re happy to share their answers here (anonymously) in hopes that you’ll enjoy them as much as we and our Scholarship Committee members did. 1)The …