
Introducing the NISO Plus 2022 Program!

With just two months to go until the NISO Plus conference (February 15-17, 2022), we are delighted to invite you to check out the preliminary program. Thanks, as always, to our wonderful planning committee, it’s looking great (if we do say so ourselves!) — and we’ll be adding more details in the coming days and weeks. Please remember to register at the early bird rate, available through January 7, 2022; it includes even larger discounts for NISO members, groups of five plus, students/early career/unemployed information professionals, and those in countries outside of the IMF’s top 30. You can view the …

AnnouncementsSpeakersDr. Dariusz Jemielniak in 2018, by Myleen Hollero Photography

And Our FInal Keynote Is … Dariusz Jemielniak!

We’re very happy to announce our third and final keynote — Dr. Dariusz Jemielniak, professor of management and head of the MINDS (Management in Networked and Digital Societies) department at Kozminski University, Poland. Dr. Jemielniak’s work focuses on social data science and collaborative society, open collaboration projects (such as Wikipedia or F/LOSS), strategies of knowledge-intensive organizations, and virtual communities. In 2015, he was elected to the Wikimedia Foundation board of trustees; in 2019, he was elected to the Polish Academy of Sciences as the youngest member in social sciences and humanities in its history. He is also currently a faculty …