Showing: 11 - 20 of 23 RESULTS

NISO Plus 2021 Content Now Openly Available

We’re delighted to announce that, six months on from NISO Plus 2021, we’re opening up the content for everyone to watch, use, share — and even cite! The 90 videos cover a wide range of important topics for the information community, from accessibility to standards in open research infrastructure, as well as NISO-specific content including an introduction to our organization by Executive Director Todd Carpenter and Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace. If you haven’t already done so, we strongly encourage you to check out the videos of our keynote speakers (which have been openly available since shortly after the conference). …

AnnouncementsNISO Plus

News about NISO Plus Sponsorship Recipients 

One of our favorite things about NISO Plus is our scholarship program. Supported by the Alfred B Sloan Foundation in 2020, and by Digital Science in 2021, it enables information professionals whose voices are underrepresented or unrepresented to attend the NISO Plus conference and to engage with our work. Our first two cohorts of scholarship recipients are nothing if not diverse. They hail from every continent (except Antarctica!) and represent all our stakeholder groups—librarians, content providers, service and infrastructure providers, and more. Some scholarship winners are still students, others are well-established in their careers, but they all share a passion …

AnnouncementsNISO Plus 2022 early bird sponsor logos

Join the Early Birds—Book Your 2022 NISO Plus Sponsorship Now!

Like so many organizations in the information community, NISO is committed to being inclusive and open. So we’re very grateful to everyone whose generous sponsorship has helped ensure that everyone can participate in our annual NISO Plus conference, by keeping it affordable and open to all—including subsidized/free attendance for those who need it. We’re now delighted to share the sponsorship opportunities for NISO Plus 2022! With 850 participants from 24 countries, sponsors were enthusiastic about the opportunity that NISO Plus 2021 provided for engaging with information professionals from around the world. With the support of our fabulous global Planning Committee, …

AnnouncementsNISO Plus 2022 conference logo

ICYMI—Save the Date for NISO Plus 2022!

As you may remember, back in our May Information Organized newsletter, we confirmed the dates for next year’s NISO Plus conference, which will once again be fully virtual and will take place on February 15-17. In case you missed that announcement, we’re happy to share more information here as part of our week of posts about NISO Plus. Why Virtual? We were blown away by the increased participation in NISO Plus 2021 as a result of moving the conference fully online. With the help of our wonderful global planning committee, we were able to be much more global, diverse, inclusive, …


NISO Plus Is Growing!

We’re kicking off a week of posts on this blog with some exciting news about NISO Plus! Following the success of the first two NISO Plus conferences and the scholarship program associated with them (designed to support under- and unrepresented voices in our community), we now plan to develop the NISO Plus concept further, in support of our strategic plan. Like the conference, the broader NISO Plus program will be: Global: connecting information professionals around the world Discussion-based: fostering conversations between all stakeholders in the information community Productive: facilitating the collaboration needed to create impactful outputs Inclusive: welcoming and accessible …


What You Told Us About #NISOPlus21 

“Thank you to all. Well done conference, THE BEST virtual conference I have attended since 2020 and I have attended a lot virtually. A great mix of ALL essential components: 1) scheduling, 2) thought leaders/keynotes, 3) social events, 4) regular sessions and topics, 5) technology worked!” With about 850 participants, NISO Plus 2021 was the largest event NISO has ever hosted, by a huge margin. It was also the first time we’d ever run such a large virtual event. So we really wanted to find out how it went from the people who really count – our speakers and moderators, …


What I Learned At NISO Plus 2021

We’re delighted to share these thoughts on NISO Plus by some of our scholarship winners, past and present. Collectively, they provide a great overview of this year’s conference! Nicoleta-Roxana Dinu, Librarian, National Library of Romania What a great opportunity to attend the NISO Plus Conference as one of the lucky scholarship winners of this year!  Using the online format and taking into account the time zone difference in building its schedule, the NISO Plus conference has been converted into a truly global event for information professionals. This was the first NISO conference that I attended so far (in the last …

Announcementsword cloud of responses to NISO Plus 21 survey question about best sessions

NISO Plus 2021 Highlights 

Although it’s just two years old, the NISO Plus conference is already a highlight of our year, so we’re delighted that many of our colleagues and friends in the information community, who attended, seem to feel the same way! We’ll be sharing their formal feedback in a few weeks, when we publish the results of the post-conference survey but, in the meantime, here’s a sneak preview of some of the things they told us they liked best. Speakers and content. A whopping 98% of respondents found the overall quality of speakers and content either valuable or extremely valuable — a …

AnnouncementsFacts and figures about NISO Plus 2021

NISO Plus 2021 by the Numbers!

Thanks to the hard work and support of many wonderful individuals and organizations around the world, our second NISO Plus conference (February 22-25) went better than we could have hoped! We’re starting to collect formal feedback from attendees and speakers, which we will share next month but, in the meantime, we thought you’d like to see some facts and figures (plus a few quotes) that sum up our first virtual annual conference, as well as this great visualization of the conference, courtesy of speaker Dario Rodighiero. A huge thank you to everyone who participated!


#NISOPlus21 – It’s Happening!

After more than six months of planning, the NISO Plus 2021 conference is actually here! We’ll be kicking things off today at 10.30am EST (Canada/US) / 3.30pm (GMT) / 4.30pm and live tweeting from the plenary sessions so, even if you’re unable to attend, you can still follow along (@NISOInfo, #NISOPlus21). NISO Plus wouldn’t be possible without the help of our amazing community of volunteers and supporters, and we want to take a few minutes to thank them all again: The NISO Plus 2021 Planning Committee. The 27 wonderful individuals from 11 countries around the world who helped us develop, …